long hugs and snugglesauruses

Exit Interview
April 27, 2009, 8:37 pm
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Well, today was officially my last day of work!  My maternity leave was due to end today, but two weeks ago I gave notice that I am going to be staying at home!  I feel sooo blessed to be able to stay home. It just feels like a huge relief to have my job behind me.  My friend Rachel and I have worked for CCMS since November 07.  We started within a week of each other along with an entire new staff.  Everone before us quit at once and when we started Temps were pretty much running the show.  Rachel and me went to lunch today after my exit interview and counted how many other emplyees have come and gone during our year and a half working there, and the final # is 26!!!  That probably doesnt sound great but when you realize that there are only currently 7 positions and 2 of those were mine and Rachels it means that out of 5 positions 26 people came and went over a year and a half.  We went through 7 case managers, 7 temps, 5 financial management specialist, 4 directors, and 3 receptionist.  Yikes!  My friend B-rock actually accepted my old job, so I dont want to make it out to be horrible or anything, because I really think I enjoyed alot of things about it like the type of work I was doing, getting to know my clients, working with numbers (which I never thought I would enjoy) and most of my co workers 🙂  The thing that made the turnover so high is that they have 7 positions for the work load of about 15.  But enough about that!!! I now get to spend my days with this guy….p4170669


April 23, 2009, 7:35 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

😦 sad day! Yesterday Jackson went to get his 2 month shots.  I think thats one of the saddest things I have seen!  He was so great at the appt.  he was smiling at the Dr and nurses, and cooing at them.  He didnt cry during any of the weighing or measuring or inspecting, but then…the shots.  They put him on a little table and had me stand next to him and talk to him.  So there he is lookin up at me smiling and enjoying himself when BAM they give him the first shot in his leg.  His cute little face suddenly turns to one of shock and pain.  It was like Oww! Mommy why did you let that happen to me!! Then BAM BAM two more, and he was done.   I gave him some grape baby tylenol when we got home which he gobbeled right up.  It was the first thing he has tasted besides milk.  He did great overall, but he was alot more cranky than usual in the evening.  I have a few pics from after his appt with his little band aid.

So pitiful!

So pitiful!

However even with his scary shots he was still happy when I played with him.  Here are a couple more fun pics from after his appt. p42306781



Etsy Creations!
April 20, 2009, 9:55 pm
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So I have started up my Etsy Shop!  It is called themommyshop.etsy.com.  I just have a few things up so far.  I am kinda working on something different every day while Jackson naps and as I get finished I am posting stuff.  So more items will be coming soon!  You should definitely check out my site and if you need something for your little one or have an upcoming shower let me know and maybe I can make something for you! Here are a few of my latest creations…

Hooded towel, washcloths, amd "sprinkle stoppers"

Hooded towel, washcloths, amd "sprinkle stoppers"

Roll out changing pad or burp cloth

Roll out changing pad or burp cloth

Monkey sprinkle stoppers

Monkey sprinkle stoppers

Sprinkle Stoppers are a funny little product to use on your little boy during diaper changes to keep from getting sprayed! 🙂

Under the sea sprinkle stoppers

Under the sea sprinkle stoppers


Here is one of Jackson using one in action…


April 17, 2009, 8:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Thanks for the overalls Rebecca

Well we had a good Easter this year.  We went and stayed with Michaels family at their new home in Magnolia.  It is very beautiful.  It has lots of windows with a great view of nature and it is so nice and quiet out there.  My parents also got to come on Sunday afternoon along with lots of other relatives!  It was J’s first time to see alot of people, and he was looking super cute in his overalls!  I have a few pics to share.

Checking out his pop up book he got from Nana and Poppy

Checking out his pop up book he got from Nana and Poppy

I think he looks really cute in this big chair

I think he looks really cute in this big chair

Jacksons first Easter

Jacksons first Easter

Just like Daddy
April 6, 2009, 8:10 pm
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Anyone that has seen Jackson and knows Michael has been able to immediatly see Michael all over Jacksons face.  Every time that Michael imitates one of Jacksons faces to me I feel like I am seeing double.  Its crazy.  I claim that he looks like Michael when he makes grumpy faces, and he looks like me when he smiles, but sadly I dont think its true 😦  I think Jackson has my eyes, but other than that he appears to be a Steele through and through.  Which is ok by me.  Obviously I like the look of a Steele or I wouldn’t have married one 🙂

Anyways other than just looking alike I have a few pictures to share of Jackson (or as Michael sometimes refers to him, “J”)  wanting to be just like Daddy!

He wore his orange and white striped onsie just to help cheer daddy on at his first soccer game to attend

He wore his orange and white striped onsie just to help cheer daddy on at his first soccer game to attend

A visit to daddy's office to help respond to emails.

A visit to daddy's office to help respond to emails.

He even likes to sit and chill on the couch just like daddy

He even likes to sit and chill on the couch after a hard days work just like daddy

J and Michael having their first drum session

J and Michael having their first drum session

And last but not least he likes to rock out like daddy!

And last but not least he likes to rock out like daddy!

So Jackson, I pray that you not only carry your daddy’s great looks 😉 and enjoy the things that he enjoys, but I pray that you would grow up to be a man like your daddy.  Every day I am amazed at the man I got to marry!  I am always delighted to remind myself that he picked me.  Your daddy is a great man.  A man that really knows what it means to love and follow Jesus, put his family at the top of his priorities and show us what real love is, and put others above himself.  So, yes even though I will claim till the day I die that you have my eyes, overall I hope you do grow up to be just like daddy.

Getting Crafty!
April 3, 2009, 9:47 pm
Filed under: crafts | Tags:

I have always loved making things .  Even as a young kid I liked to look at things and then try and make them myself.  I remember getting my mom to teach me how to use the sewing machine one summer and then me and her making all my outfits for my four day summer camp.  One problem is that I don’t like to read patterns.  This can be good at times and awful at others.  My college roomates and Michael can attest to that with my blue and white knitted sweater that turned out looking like a cousin to big bird.  But over all I think its a good thing.  It was really fun during my pregnancy because I learned about so many new gizmos and gadgets that moms and babies use, and they are so fun to make!  So a couple of people pointed me to a site http://www.etsy.com where you can sell all things hand made.  I got quite inspired today and bought some new fabric and I am going to be making some new creations to put on etsy! I looked through some of the pictures I have taken of other things I have made and here are a few examples.


Pre Jackson, this was the closest thing I had to a baby 🙂

He's even cuter than the monkey!

He's even cuter than the monkey!

Some baby beanies
A slip cover for the boppy

A slip cover for the boppy

Some non baby items...cushions and pillows for the window seat

Some non baby items...cushions and pillows for the window seat

I am excited about having something to do during the day while little Jackson does a whole lot of this…


I will keep you all updated on my latest creations.

I have officially joined the cool club!
April 1, 2009, 3:15 pm
Filed under: Jackson | Tags:

That’s right people. Terri has a blog!  My last blog was on Xanga, had about 5 entires and was created my senior year in highschool.  I can only hope to surpass the number of posts and the quality of the content of what I write about on this blog.  My goal for this blog is just to have a place that I can post some fun stories about our family with our new little addition, and some cute pictures so family out of town can keep up with how fast Jackson is growing!!

I owe a thank you to my husband who helped me come up with the name for my blog.  There is one outfit that Jackson got right when he was born from a teacher at Nana’s (Michaels mom) school It was absolutley adorable and probably my favorite outfit.



Sadly he has already outgrown it 😦 As for the snugglesauruses part…I think these next two pics explain that!

My Snugglesaurus!

My Snugglesaurus!

So Adorable

So Adorable

So far I have been having SO much fun being a mom.  I really love it, and Jackson is a great baby.  He will be 6 weeks this Saturday.  That seems very crazy to me.  I’m sure that I could go on and on, but since this is my first post (the actual first post was written my Michael…hehe) I will try to leave some stuff for me to write about in the future.

One last thought.

Today is April 1, 2009.  Michael and me starting dating 5 years ago today.  I realized that last night as we were going to bed.  I can say without a doubt that these past five years have been the most fun, hardest, most rewarding, and most surprising 5 years of my life.   I love you Michael and I am so glad that we sat on that bench on campus on April 1, 2004 and decided to partake on this adventure 🙂

Not Only is My Husband Rediculously Hott!
April 1, 2009, 3:12 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

But he makes blogs for me!!!!  But he makes blogs for me!!!!  But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!! But he makes blogs for me!!!!