long hugs and snugglesauruses

Praise the Lord!! Our sweet baby is here and healthy :)
July 31, 2010, 2:49 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Yayyyy!  Oh sweet Isabel, you were definitely worth the wait!  But what a wait it was…16 days past my due date, and I still had to be induced!  Part of me wonders when you would have ever come hehe.  Labor was tough, but overall went really great.

I went into the hospital Tuesday around 11, to be induced. (very reluctantly)  The nurse and Dr were not on board with our desire for a totally natural birth and had their own plans on how to induce me that we had to work through to all be on the same page.  We finally agreed to have them just break my water and and wait 2 hours before anything else was done to see if labor would get going on its own.  Praise the Lord it did!!  When they broke my water I was already dialated 4 cm.  Within about 30-45 mins I started having strong contractions about a minute long every 3 minutes.  I was pacing back in forth by my bed to try and get things going and it seemed to help.  Then Michael pulled a rocking chair over for me and sat by my side helping me relax during the contractions.  After about an hour I wanted to lay down.  The contractions were very strong with very short breaks, so I did my best to do the Bradley Method that we learned with Jackson, and relax my body during contractions causing my body to not tense up during contractions and prayed that God would cushion the contractions to help me get through them.  Michael would tell me sweet stories during the contractions about our honeymoon, Jackson, college memories etc.  Sometimes I would have to stop him because I would want to laugh and couldn’t relax.  After about 3 1/2 hours I really felt like it was time to push so I told Michael and he got the nurse who quickly got the Dr.  I pushed 2 times and Sweet baby Isabel was here!!  Michael said I started clapping and leaned over to kiss him right when she was born 🙂  It also started raining and I remember lightening striking when she was born which made it all the more exciting.

Overall I am feeling good, and we are happy to be home adjusting to our life as a family of 4.  Jacksons just doing his own thing enjoying having the grandparents around to play with.

Oh how could I forget…Isabel is no tiny little lady!  10 lbs 6 oz, 21 1/2 inches long!!  She is great.

Play Tent Idea!
July 20, 2010, 9:29 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I found this article the other day on how to make a play tent for your kids!! I think it is soo great.  It can be in your childs room, outside on the tree, a changing tent if you want your kids to change after swimming or playing in the sprinkler before coming inside.  How great!  I want to make one soon for Jackson and Isabel to be able to use. The link gives you instructions on how to make one.  Its just bed sheets, ties and hola hoops!
