long hugs and snugglesauruses

I’ll eat you up I love you so…
October 23, 2009, 3:40 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

my little wild thing …

Latley he likes to crawl into hard to reach places that his toys have wondered off to and then brings them back out to play

Latley he likes to crawl into hard to reach places that his toys have wondered off to and then brings them back out to play

We had to be some where during nap time one day and I just had to get a picture of him napping because he looked so cute and it is such a special time of day for mommy and j!

We had to be some where during nap time one day and I just had to get a picture of him napping because he looked so cute and it is such a special time of day for mommy and j!

He is getting quite good at standing and loves to bang on things once he gets up.  Here I found him banging on our front door.

He is getting quite good at standing and loves to bang on things once he gets up. Here I found him banging on our front door.

le sigh...

le sigh...

You found mommys shoe and carried it all around the house with you today.

You found mommys shoe and carried it all around the house with you today.

A note to Jackson…

Jackson you turned 8 months old this week!! I cannot beleive how the time has flown by.  You are doing so many new things every single day and gaining more and more personality by the minute.  You are crawling all over the house stoping occasionally to sit and peek backwards to make sure that we are still in sight and then you trek onward.  I can already see how you are growing and changing because  just this week you built up the courage to go into every room on your own.  You have learned how to give a kiss which makes mommy and daddys hearts melt.  You usually lean your little head in right to ours, pause for a moment and say auhhhhh.  It is amazing.   You started signing the sign for more this week, but only for cheerios because they are your favorite. Most of the time you just smile really big and bang both hands on your tray (I think you think this is how to ask for more.) You are very eager to explore things and I often catch you just staring at people as they talk watching their mouths move or hand gestures like you are storing it all away to practice in your crib and car seat when you are “alone”.  We have a little mirror that looks into your car seat when we are driving and we love to watch you just sitting back there staring out the window practicing slowly and carefully how to make new sounds and say different letters.  People are always telling me what a happy easy baby you are and I couldnt agree more.  God has given you a sweet sweet spirit that is so good natured, loving and flexible.  You have made the transition of being a wife to being a wife and mom such an easy one and I cannot wait to see the man that you will become.    I am always praying blessings over you Jackson for the boy that you are and the man that you will become and I cannot wait to watch God put the dreams that I have for you to shame and surpass them all.  I love you so my little wild thing.

October 13, 2009, 5:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Daddy and J

Every year since I was 6 weeks old I have gone to a family picnic at Waxahatchie with my dads side of the family.  This was Jackson’s first year to go and we got some really cute pictures of him and his little cousin Lilly playing in the cold! I am much better at letting the pictures tell the story and it is so much more fun to look at…Enjoy!


Teaching Lilly all about his new toy


Sweet cousin Lilly

So pleased with himself for standing in his pack and play

So pleased with himself for standing in his pack and play

J and Nina

J and Nina

Lori with the little ones

Lori with the little ones

Sitting with Mumah (as Jackson says it)

Sitting with Mumah (as Jackson says it)

My brother Kevin and his Dog Ferrari

My brother Kevin and his Dog Ferrari

Your truley sitting my the camp fire

Your truley sitting by the camp fire

Trying to stay warm

Trying to stay warm

Some of the cousins on the famous bridge

Some of the cousins on the famous bridge

Papa and Lilly

Papa and Lilly

Kevin again

Kevin again


all snuggled up with his favorite tag


Swinging with Daddy


I think he liked it 🙂

Waxahachie 1985

1985 My 2nd Waxahatchie

Last Year Pregnant with Jackson

Last Year Pregnant with Jackson

2009 with our little man!

2009 with our little man!